Buckingham Beauty: Horse-Drawn Carriage Marvel

We arrange the most comfortable Horse Carriage Ride

Hop on for a fancy ride! Our cool horse-drawn carriage tour is like a royal adventure in central London. Picture this: a friendly driver in a snazzy uniform picks you up from wherever you want in London. Then, off you go at a fancy pace, checking out parks and famous spots.

Perfect for a grand entrance at the theater, our 1.5-hour ride lets you take a break in Hyde Park for snacks while your carriage waits.

Meet our super experienced drivers who’ve worked with Harrods for ages, serving famous folks like Diana Ross and Lady Gaga. They’re part of the cool Professional Carriage Masters Association (PCMA), making sure you have a blast.

Jump into our Landau open-topped carriage, pulled by two amazing black horses. It fits up to 4 people, and if you have more pals, we’ve got special tours for six. Let’s roll in style through London!

horse carriage ride london
Buckingham palace Horse ride2